susy Irwin
Susy Irwin

Susy Irwin

Susy Irwin is a Northwest storyteller and puppeteer. She has been creating programs for children and entertaining audiences of all ages for many years. Susy specializes in telling animal stories, tall and true. She also creates vignettes from her travels; compositions of life adventures interwoven with folktales. Her stories bring to life oral tradition and rich folklore of diverse cultures around the world.

"Knowledge is important but imagination is invaluable."


Susy tells stories at:



Birthday Parties

Special Occasions

"Susy is terrific! She has been telling stories for years at our store. She brings puppets, playfulness and a great way with connecting with kids."

---Roger Page, Island Books

"I love the way Susy gets right down in the midst of the children to tell her interactive stories."

---Judy Hobbs, Seattle parent

"Captivating an audience of 5 to 7-year-olds in a large room can be challenging, but Susy had the attention of every child as she and her puppets told multicultural stories in her entertaining and educational presentation."

---Cindy Weldon, Principal

Stories have traditionally given us knowledge of why things were the way they were. Today, stories continue to teach us, make us think, and most importantly, stretch our imagination.

An educator by training, and a storyteller by trade, I create stories to stir the imagination and heart of the listener. I seek to increase awareness and understanding through the sharing of stories from many countries.

--- Susy Irwin

Program Possibilities

Wild Puppets
Animal stories, teaching tales, stories tall and true, told with a little help from her puppet friends. Never a dull moment, lots of laughs, and some good lessons. For ages 3 and up.

Susy's Adventure Stories
Journey to Mexico, Alaska, the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Islands. Explore adventures with one who remains to tell the tales. Stories are interwoven with folktales. For young adults and up.

Workshops And Custom Programs Are Available


Traveling Susy

Susy Irwin, Storyteller
6247 2nd Avenue NW
Seattle, Washington 98107
206 784-0704


Have Story will Travel           206.784.0704