Stories that nurture and promote healing
Salmon Tent at water festival

Watershed Tales in The Salmon Tent

Every Spring, fourth grade students from all over Kitsap County in Washington state have the opportunity to visit Olympic College for a day-long series of educational and fun activities to learn about our precious water resources.

Held in the spring of each year, the Festival combines classroom learning with outdoor exhibits, entertainers and storytellers, all presenting watershed information in a variety of ways. Professionals from the field of water quality education present hands-on learning experiences. The goal is to increase student and teacher awareness of how our actions affect the water quality in the watersheds.

Allison spends the Festival day telling stories in the 45 foot inflatable Salmon Tent - a challenge for any storyteller since one has to raise their voice above the sound of the motorized fan. But the look on the children's faces as they climb into the rainbow salmon tent to hear stories is well worth it!

The Water Festival is sponsored by local governmental agencies, businesses and citizens who offer their time and resources to make the event a success.

For more information, visit their website:
Kitsap County Waterfestival

And each year, Allison climbs inside the giant salmon tent to tell stories with a splash!

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 See Soil Reclamation

 Learn about Foxglove Folklore

 Read Allison's story "Goblin's Gloves"

Inside the Salmon Tent
Allison inside the salmon tent
children in salmon tent
Allison exits Salmon Mouth

Celtic bar

Allison Cox • (206) 463-3844 • 25714 Wax Orchard Rd • Vashon, WA • 98070 • Email Allison

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